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Medical Thermography Scan

Thermography Wausau, Wisconsin

Corrective Balance LLC offers Full Body Thermography, Half Body Thermography, Upper Body Thermography in Wausau, Wisconsin

Corrective Balance offers Full Body Thermography, Half Body Thermography, Upper Body Thermography in Wausau, Wisconsin. Thermography is offered in a private non-medical setting. We are fully trained and certified through PACT Professional Academy of Clinical Thermology and Breast Thermography International. 

Full Body Thermography, Half Body Thermography, Upper Body Thermography at Corrective Balance LLC Wausau, Wisconsin

To find out more about these non-invasive, adjunctive method for screening please visit


How to Get Started:

  1. Book an Appointment online or call the office. You do not need a doctor referral. 
  2. Fill out all Intake Forms
  3. Follow the recommended protocol to prepare for your appointment. 
  4. Thermography Appointment- Will take about 30 minutes, there is no contact, no radiation. Report comes back in 7-14 days. 
  5. Report Evaluation- You’ll receive a complete report of results and recommendations from a board-certified thermologist.
  6. Schedule your follow up Thermography appointment in 3-6-9-or 12 months. 


Frequently Asked Questions:

Do I need a referral for an Thermography appointment?
No. You may book your Thermography appointment directly at 

How long does a Thermography appointment take?
Approximately 20-30 minutes. Plan on being at Corrective Balance, Wausau Wisconsin for 45 minutes for your Thermography appointment.

How long does it take to receive the Thermography Report? has a prompt turn around. In most cases, PACT Board Certified Thermographers will have the results back to you in 1-2 weeks or less.

Is thermography covered by insurance?
Not at this time. Keep in mind, cutting edge technology is not covered in most fields of medicine. Corrective Balance charges a nominal fee for this technology despite the high cost of the equipment and the cost of running a center. Insurance coverage should not keep you away. Think of all of the other less important things we spend our money on!

Do I need to get a mammogram?
That is between you and your primary physician. Thermography is an adjunctive procedure that offers extra information and can be combined with other testing.

What are the cost for Thermography?
Breast $300
Upper body, waste above $400
Full body $500

Who interprets BTI Medical Thermography Images?
Board Certified Physicians interpret thermography images. Breast Thermography International relies on the advanced training and certification through certification through the Professional Academy of Clinical Thermology. Our thermography interpreters have over 40 years of experience in medical thermography. Every image is analyzed by three levels of interpreters with varying degrees of expertise.

How do I receive my results?
A complete assessment of your skin surface temperature measurements will be compiled in a multi-page report after our medical thermology team has completed their in-depth work. Reports will be issued in a digital format so you may enjoy the high resolution images on your favorite digital device. You will see various measurements and comments based on your findings that will need to be investigated by a physician. Medical Thermology reports are easy to understand by your doctor as their training in physiology and anatomy is extensive. A baseline study is usually needed so that future comparisons can be analyzed.

Protocols for Thermal Imaging


Patient Preparation:
Thermal imaging is a heat sensitive test. Anything which creates heat should be avoided prior to testing. Excessive metabolic activity, friction, or any of the activities listed below which will alter heat readings.

1 Month Prior:
No minor breast surgery, i.e. biopsy
We may still perform testing after biopsy. Write this in Intake form.

1 Week Prior:
Be cautious of too much sun exposure in order to avoid sunburn. Scans will have to be rescheduled if the patient has a sunburn of any sort.
48 Hours Prior:
Men with beards should shave their face and neck, as well as backs
Avoid all tanning and limit sun exposure

24 Hours Prior:
Avoid chiropractic care, massage therapy or acupuncture
No saunas, steam baths, hot tubs, heating pads, or hot water bottles
No analgesic creams or balms
Do not shave underarms (Should be done prior)
Reschedule if you experience a significant fever
Refrain from sexual activity

Day of Exam:
For best results, please wear thong underwear or a jock strap for full body studies. Underwear is optional and best results are without. Do not use creams, lotions, cosmetics, ointments, deodorant, antiperspirants, powders or any other skin product

Please bring a hair tie to remove hair from your forehead and back of neck
Remove all piercings and jewelry prior to exam, unless unable to.

4 Hours Prior:
Avoid hot showers or shaving
Avoid physical therapy or exercise
No coffee, tea, soda, or other beverages containing caffeine. No alcoholic beverages.
Do not smoke cigarettes or use any product which contains nicotine
Women- do not wear a bra for the 4 hours leading up to the exam

2 Hours Before the Exam:
Avoid hot or cold liquids
Avoid eating or chewing gum
Avoid using a cell phone
Avoid heated car seats
Avoid heated steering wheels

Prior to and During Exam:
Please inform us if you have a hot flash during the session
Try to relax prior to and during the exam. Stress will affect your exam.

Dr. Jennifer Knauf, Naturopathic Doctor at Corrective Balance LLC located in Wausau, Wisconsin where we are bridging the gap between medical care and self care model. We offer Integrative Medicine, Functional Medicine, Diagnostic Nutrition, Alternative Medicine, Holistic Health, Functional Labs, Health Coaching, Naturopathic Doctor Services, Thermography Services at Corrective Balance LLC in Wausau, Wisconsin. Corrective Balance LLC provides a step-by-step system to investigate the underlying causes of disease and identify healing opportunities, to provide individualized behavior and lifestyle programs that restore function and resolve unwanted health conditions permanently.

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