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 Corrective Balance LLC


Corrective Balance LLC is Naturopathic Integrative Private Practice located in Wausau, Wisconsin, owner  Jennifer Knauf, Naturopathic Doctor.

Corrective Balance is Bridging the Gap Between Medical Care and Self Care Model by Practicing Integrative Medicine, Functional Medicine, Diagnostic Nutrition, Alternative Medicine, Holistic Health, Functional Labs and Health Coaching. Corrective Balance has been serving the community for over 15 years.

As a Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor, Jennifer Knauf at Corrective Balance LLC works with men, women and children to get to the root cause of their health issues.

Go from feeling worn out and exhausted to vibrant and healthy with simple, practical, holistic strategies. Experience an integrative, natural approach to health and wellness using herbs, supplements, functional labs, nutrition, diet, and lifestyle counseling, and innovative solutions like thermography and frequency treatment.

As a holistic health and wellness practice in Wausau, Wisconsin we work local and long distance with clients of all ages, offering whole family wellness integrating mind, body and spirit in a Nondenominational Christian framework using a straightforward, honest, conservative approach to health care, without any bullshit or nonsense.

Top 5 Things You Need To Know About Naturopathic Health Care


1.Visiting your Family Medical Doctor (MD) is NOT the same as seeing a Naturopathic doctor (ND).

The modern medical models of care that MDs and NDs use to treat their patients can be very different. MDs tend to focus on reactive healthcare; utilizing pharmaceutical prescriptions or surgeries when appropriate. Reactive healthcare is imperative in emergent, life threatening or severe physical injuries or poisonings. We need Medical Doctors for this type of care.

However, this type of medicine supports our current healthcare system and puts a massive burden on our hospitals and emergency departments.

2. What is Naturopathic Medicine?

Naturopathic medicine is the merging of Western science with Eastern traditional philosophies to promote healing of the whole person (mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually) from the root of the issue. In other words, naturopathic medicine supports the body to heal itself, not suppress symptoms.

The body is capable of healing itself given the proper support and removing the obstacles to heal. Naturopathic doctors call this the body’s innate ability to cure and maintain homeostasis (balance). Here is the foundation for the 6 Naturopathic principles:

First to do no harm – Minimizing risks of harmful side effects and using the least force necessary while respecting the individual’s self-healing process is the goal of Naturopathic Doctors. 

Identify and treat the cause – Rather than merely eliminating or suppressing symptoms, NDs seek to identify and treat the causes of illness.

Doctor as teacher – Clients are encouraged to take responsibility for their own optimal health through knowledge and empowerment.

Treat the whole person – A person’s health status must address his or her physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental and social support to truly understand all contributing factors.

Emphasize prevention – Preventative health is the only sustainable health model. NDs are leaders in prevention of disease by assessing risk factors, heredity and susceptibility to illness.

Supporting the healing power of the body – NDs recognize an order and intelligence to the self-healing process and inherent to every living creature, whether or not you believe in a spirit or energy force.

Our bodies are complex. Our physical, emotional and mental well-being are interconnected with our internal and external environment. We cannot compartmentalize ourselves into symptoms. We are affected by everything we consume, interact with and experience. Energy and the conversion into various forms of energy is the foundation of science.

On the other hand, naturopathic doctors (NDs) specialize in preventative health care, chronic disease management and optimal living strategies. We are detectives for your health, combining your history, symptoms and physical examinations to understand the patterns of imbalance.

Modern medical care models can no longer safely suppress symptoms, NDs can provide empowering lifestyle changes to reverse the cause of distress and improve quality of life. We give patients back their autonomy and responsibility for their health.

This is challenging for NDs. Lifestyle changes take time and effort. Unfortunately, many people are not ready for this.

Over the last 20 years I have devoted all that lies within the realm of health and wellness. My educational journey began when my children were diagnosed with Celiac Disease. My passion began to grow in knowledge for nourishing the body, mind and spirit which lead to my studies at Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

In working with many adults, families and prenatal health, I continued my studies at Dr. Sears Wellness Institute to help families build the solid foundation in nutrition that is needed in each home.

With a fascination on organ toxicity and its link to disease, I studied in MSA-Meridian Stress Assessment and become certified in Advanced Training with MSA- Meridian Stress Assessment to have the ability to help more clients.

I became a Double Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor, studied at Trinity School of Natural Health and Certified with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and American Naturopathic Medical Association.

My passion and educational journey continues to grow as my practice progresses in helping many individuals find their natural path to wellness. I continue to thank God everyday for all our blessings and share the message in health and wellness. Let’s dive into what a Naturopathic is!

3. Naturopathic Care

  • Founded upon medical sciences. Naturopathic doctors take great pride in studying and applying the science of natural remedies to heal the body:


  • Physiology
  • Anatomy
  • Microbiology and Immunology
  • Biochemistry
  • Genetics
  • Dietary nutrition and supplementation
  • Lifestyle counseling (exercise, stress management, new habit formations)
  • Botanical medicine
  • Homeopathy
  • Health psychology
  • Physical manipulation
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine

With all of our tools, most Naturopathic doctors will tell you there is nothing more valuable than having someone listen to you with an empathetic ear and give you actionable and practical health advice to build into your daily life. Nowhere else can you find an evidence-based practitioner with extensive safe and effective tools who practice patient-focused healthcare. Naturopathic doctors pride themselves on their high standards of client quality care, medical responsibilities and ethical conduct.

4. Who are Naturopathic Doctors?

NDs are effective at what they do, remember that they are not primary care physicians. Because Naturopathic doctors work synergistically with MDs, I don’t encourage an either/ or approach. Our skills complement each other. Having both an ND and an MD who can work together to provide holistic medical health care is ideal.

NDs have different styles of practice. If you have previously consulted with one whom you didn’t have a good fit, that doesn’t mean you cannot find one that does. We are not all the same, just like our clients are not the same.

Try a complimentary 15-minute consultation phone call to ensure the right fit. Having mutual respect and trust is important to foster a healthy relationship.

5. What Can I Expect From an Initial Visit

Duration: Initial visits range from 60-120 minutes depending on the client and the type of concerns.

Intake: Naturopathic doctors are unique in our intake assessments. We are detectives, thorough in our approach to seeking the root of your imbalance, illness or medical condition. Be prepared to be asked a wide range of questions that you may or may not think are relevant to your case. At any time, you can choose not to answer the questions, but it is in your best interest to be as thorough and honest.

Treatments: Depending on your concerns, in-office treatments may be performed at your first visit (ie. supplements, botanicals, homeopathics, diet recommendations). In some unique cases, we may not suggest anything if not enough information is gathered or if there is a more serious underlying condition that requires further investigation.

Pharmaceutical drugs: It is standard practice that the medical doctor who has initially prescribed your medications is the one that should be monitoring and making any alterations to that prescription. If you would like to have your medication dosages changed, work with the medical doctor who has prescribed your medications and monitor your progress.

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Expected number of visits: The number of visits to expect varies depending on the person and condition. Naturopathic medicine is not about “quick fixes” or suppressive treatments. Healing from the root of the cause takes more time and effort than conventional modern medical models of care, however it is sustainable and preventative for future ailments.

It’s often estimated that for every year you’ve had a condition or symptom, it will take approximately 1 month to reverse. For example, someone suffering from headaches for 5 years may take 5 months to clear. However, sometimes the correct diet and lifestyle change can remove a symptom almost immediately. Always stick to your treatment protocol for at least 1 month before deciding if it is helping or not.

Timing: It is common courtesy to show up for your visit on-time (or early). If you arrive late, your appointment may be cut short and it may make the next appointment tardy as well. Please understand that we may run late from time-to-time as unexpected things may have happened with a previous client.

Intake forms: Make sure to fill them out before coming to your appointment or arrive at least 15 minutes early to fill them out. These forms are often very thorough and much longer than an average medical form.

Diet and lifestyle diary: Your ND may ask you to track your diet for 1 week after your first visit, however if you can do this ahead of time, you will save yourself and your doctor time. Diet is a major contributor of health and disease. Knowing what you are eating and how it affects your body, mind and energy can be life changing.

Supplements and medications: If you are currently taking any supplements or medication, bring them in with you to your first visit and ensure you have the correct dosages and duration for taking each. If you’ve taken any medication in the past for a significant amount of time, it is also important to list what it was, the dose and when you were on it.

Medical history: Past and current family and personal history will be important to note in your intake forms or during your visit. Look at this information before your first appointment.

List of your concerns and conditions: If you have many concerns and conditions, it’s important to note them especially if poor memory or dementia is a complaint. Past conditions and their timeline are also important to note along with the types of treatments tried (successful and not helpful).

Insurance coverage: Some companies specifically allocate health insurance for ND’s while others give a broad “alternative” or “complementary” health category. If you are at all unsure, call up your insurance company and ask. We do not take insurance in the office but those that have the cover can submit your receipt to the insurance company. Additionally, ask if a health savings account can be used for your visit.

It’s important to enter your ND appointment with an open mind. Many clients have seen multiple practitioners without success. On the other hand, naturopathic doctors are different. We are evidence-based with extensive safe and effective tools who practice client-focused health care. We have a holistic approach and empower our clients to take back control of their health.

Your health is a process and a journey. It requires your time and effort to get the greatest results for preventative medicine. You are worth the time, energy and commitment. However, make sure you are ready for the commitment and willing to put the time and effort it takes to heal your body!

Jennifer Knauf, ND

Naturopathic Doctor, Wausau, Wisconsin


I have one of those really fun, inspirational entrepreneurial stories. Corrective Balance started in the trunk of my car, a purple Dodge Neon to be exact. That car served me and my practice well for many years. I have now come to my senses and have become a Ford customer.


Over the last 20 years, I have devoted myself to all that lies within the realm of health and wellness. Growing up and into my early adulthood, I consistently sought out alternative ways of healing. My educational journey grew even further when my children were diagnosed with Celiac Disease.


In my early days of practice I would drive and work with clients in local communities. Then my boys became very busy with sports and I grew my practice on Wausau’s West side and now located on Wausau’s North side.

My passion to understand how to effectively nourish the body, mind, and spirit lead to my studies at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and I became a Certified Holistic Health Coach.

I spent years health coaching women to wellness and studying organ toxicity.

While studying at Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, I worked with many adults and families, and with prenatal health, helping families build a solid nutritional foundation.

It’s the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time nourish yourself and eat whole foods, the remaining 20% live and enjoy yourself! This equals… Balance… Corrective Balance.

With a fascination with organ toxicity and its link to disease, I began to study the MSA-Meridian Stress Assessment to become a Certified in Advanced Training with MSA- Meridian Stress Assessment.

I then became the first Certified Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Practitioner in the state of Wisconsin working under Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum. 

Knowing and understanding that emotions are linked to every illness, I studied Bach Flowers. I became a Level 1 Certified Bach Flower Consultant. Whether you want to admit it or not, if you are not addressing your emotions, you are not going to get well.

I studied Doctor of Naturopathy at Trinity School of Natural Health and became Board Certified with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and Board Certified with the American Naturopathic Medical Board.

Understanding that there is a gap between the medical care model and self care model, I studied functional labs to bridge this gap for clients that likely are caught in the vicious cycle of trial and error, possibly taking medications or using supplements and modalities that don’t address the underlying causes of unwanted conditions.

And now with our Government trying to force a mandated medical injection and so many Americans with blinded eyes wide open, the cancer and disease rate will only continue to rise like we have never seen before. The Holy Spirit has led me to expand my practice into Naturopathic Oncology and Medical Thermography.

I continue to thank God every day for all our blessings and share the message in health and wellness. My passion and educational journey continues to grow in Wausau, Wisconsin in helping individuals find their natural path to wellness in this unpresented times we are in.

When I’m not at the office fulfilling God’s purpose for me, you will find me enjoying my family and friends and all the seasons God has to offer for us here in Wisconsin. I will often express to my family that I feel we don’t live North enough. I love the outdoors and every season Wisconsin has to offer, from summers on the lake up north with family and friends to the endless winter trails in Wisconsin.

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